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Falling on tough financial times can happen to anyone. When you fall behind on credit card or medical bill payments, your lender may sell your debt to one of the over 7,000 debt collection agencies in the United States. Collectively, these agencies made over $13.4 billion in 2021, and their main goal is to get you to pay your debt. 

When debt collection agency Marcam Associates becomes overzealous in their attempt to collect a debt, they may engage in illegal behavior as stipulated by federal and state law. If you’re on the receiving end of a collection agency’s harassing behavior, getting legal counsel from the debt collection protection attorneys at Mike Agruss Law is something you might want to consider.

What is Marcam Associates? 

Marcam Associates is a collections agency that focuses on health care industry receivables. The debt collector has headquarters in Rochester, New Hampshire, and provides services including:

  • Self-pay billing
  • Bad debt collections
  • Predictive scoring
  • Workman’s comp billing
  • Denial management
  • Building and managing payment portals

Does Marcam Associates Have a History of Consumer Complaints?

Marcam Associates has a BBB profile that reflects consumers’ sentiments about the company. The debt collection service is not BBB accredited and has a 1.57 out of 5-star rating that is a product of seven customer reviews. The company phone number on the profile is (800) 638-1005.

Despite Marcam Associates declaring they place professionalism and integrity highly, many of the company’s seven consumer reviews and ten complaints mention that the company exercises abusive tactics. 

How to Deal With Marcam Associates?

Badgering phone calls can be demoralizing. Besides the psychological effects, collections accounts can bring down your credit score and affect your ability to land a new job or refinance a mortgage with favorable terms. The fact that debt collection agencies can pursue a debt for up to 15 years makes legal counsel necessary for reclaiming your financial life and peace of mind.

When a debt collector considers that you owe their client a debt, the agency calls to inform you of the collection account. The intensity may not immediately escalate to threats and rude language. However, despite a consumer’s best effort to show good faith, agencies such as Marcam Associates ramp up the intensity of their approach, making the experience increasingly unbearable.

In doing so, the debt collection agency defies the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA) and leaves itself open to legal action. 

State and federal law place the power in consumers’ hands, allowing them to recover compensation when unethical and aggressive debt collection methods are used. Each FDCPA violation case can cost the debt collector up to $1,000 in damages, and they may have to pay your legal fees. 

Can You Remove a Collections Account From Your Credit File?

A collections account happens when you have fallen behind on payments and the creditor decides to hand over your debt to a collections agency. This can negatively impact your credit score and make it difficult to obtain new lines of credit. However, you can stop a collections account from adversely affecting your credit file.

The first step is to negotiate with the collections agency so the negative action doesn’t end up on your credit file. You may be able to reach an agreement to pay off the debt over time or agree on a lump sum payment. 

Once you have made the payment, get written confirmation from the agency that you have paid the debt in full. They will then remove the collections account from your credit file. If the debt collector is unresponsive to your good faith offer to pay off the debt or doesn’t remove the collection account once you pay it, work with a consumer protection attorney to repair your credit and hold the agency accountable for any illegal acts.

If Marcam Associates falsely reports a collection account to the credit bureaus, the only way to achieve credit repair is to file a dispute for the item. 

Stop Marcam Associates Harassment

As an American consumer, you don’t have to accept illegal behavior from Marcam Associates or any other debt collection agency. Contact an experienced consumer protection attorney to stop oppressive debt collection practices. 

The consumer protection attorneys at Mike Agruss Law can discuss your case with you and determine if Marcam Associates’ behavior constitutes harassment. If so, we can help you end communications and get your life back. 

Call us today to set up a free consultation where you can share your case with our knowledgeable debt collector protection attorneys. We can help you stop the harassing calls and get money for damages. You won’t pay us a penny because Marcam Associates is responsible for your legal fees for violating your rights.  

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